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Promote Global Cooperation

  • Conducting Domestic and International TB Research and Academic Exchange

    01The International Scientific Conference on ‘Seeking Ways to Eliminate TB in Asia’

    • - The International Scientific Conference is held once a year to share the current state of tuberculosis and the results of TB management in Asian countries and to discuss further cooperation plans to combat tuberculosis.
      1. * 1st: October 31, 2018.

        The 1st Conference Room of Parliament House, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

        · 5 Countries incl. Mongolia, North Korea, China, Russia, Republic of Korea

      2. * 2nd: June 19-20, 2019.

        Grand Ballroom of Holiday Inn Hotel, Ulaaanbaatar, Mongolia

        · 7 Countries incl. Mongolia, North Korea, China, Taiwan, Japan, Russia, Republic of Korea

      3. * 3rd: December 17, 2020.

        Online Webinar

        · 8 Countries incl. Mongolia, Japan, Taiwan, Cambodia, Vietnam, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Republic of Korea

      4. * 4th: December 8-9, 2021.

        Online Webinar

        · 11 Countries, incl. Mongolia, China, Japan, Russia & Russian federation, Moldova, Georgia, Thailand, Taiwan, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Republic of Korea, the Global TB Caucus, TB Alliance officials, and the like

    02 Conducting Research Projects with the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency(KDCA) and TB Related Institutions

    • - Conducting studies with the KDCA and other domestic and international TB-related institutions to enhance the effectiveness of national TB prevention and management projects and to draw future development plans
      1. * Study on the Plans for Effective TB Prevention Education(2013)
      2. * Economic Evaluation of Tuberculosis Screening Projects for the Elderly in Korea(2019)
      3. * Effectiveness Evaluation of Tuberculosis Prevention Education Programs for the Vulnerable in Korea(2020)
      4. * Study on the Establishment of Mid- and Long-term Development Plan of STOP-TB Partnership KOREA(2020)

    03 Conducting Research Projects to Reach End-TB Targets

    • - Conducting studies on the achievement of the End-TB targets
      1. * Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Tuberculosis Screening in TB High-Risk Countries(2021)
      2. * Study on the Gender Gap in Tuberculosis Services in TB High-Risk Countries(2021)
      3. * Validity of AI TB Diagnosis Program(2022)
      4. * Report on Korea’s State of End-TB Contribution andthe Establishment of Relevant Goals(2022)

    Capacity Building of Domestic TB Control Managers

    • - Improving awareness of tuberculosis and increasing service accessibility in industrial sites by providing information on tuberculosis to health control managers in charge of health care for foreign workers and employers at workplaces, together with the Human Resources Development Service of Korea (HRDK) and the Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurses (KAOHN)
    • - Developing and Operating Exchange Programs to Strengthen Cooperation in TB Eradication among Countries

      * Visit Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Tuberculosis Hospital (2019)

    Training Program for Health Workforce in TB High-Risk Countries

    • - Training for strengthening the capacity of tuberculosis officials in tuberculosis control health workers and tuberculosis in high risk countries
      1. * All 16 countries that implement Korea’s Employment Permit System (EPS) belong to the list of high-risk countries designated by the WHO, and foreign workers who were tested negative for TB before entering Korea are often confirmed to have TB after their entrance, forced to leave the country
      2. * The Stop TB Partnership KOREA operates a double reading system to prevent such imported TB cases and at the same time offers a TB management training program to the health personnel from countries that introduced the double reading system by inviting them to Korea, demonstrating advanced diagnostic technologies and TB management systems

    Support Domestic and International TB Research

    01 The Asian Young Investigator for Tuberculosis Research Award

    • - Sponsored by our partner, the Seegene Medical Foundation, the Asian Young Investigator for Tuberculosis Research Award has been awarded to promising TB researchers in Korea and other Asian countries in order to encourage TB research and lay the foundation for future cooperation among Asian researchers

    02Supporting Domestic Researchers to Publish Academic Papers at Home and Abroad

    • - Support and encouragement of domestic TB researchers by providing fees for reviewing TB research papers and travel expenses for attending academic conferences
  • Organizing Joint Policy Discussions and Seminars with Partners

    • - Seeking solutions and improvement measures for TB-related issues with domestic and international partner institutions and fortifying the foundation for policy enhancement by delivering the consequences to key decision-makers such as the National Assembly and the government
      1. * September 23, 2022. Seeking a New Approach to Support/Resume Cooperation in the Eradication of Tuberculosis in North Korea National Assembly Debate
      2. * August 2021. Formation/Operation of the Tuberculosis Eradication TF to prepare measures to achieve domestic and international tuberculosis goals
      3. * June 1, 2021. Policy Discussion on the Role of TB Partnership for Promotion of Cooperation in TB Prevention at Home and Abroad
      4. * July 20, 2018. International Forum on Political Action for Global TB Cooperation
      5. * April 4, 2017. Discussion on the End-TB Strategy and National Strategy to Achieve SDGs
      6. * October 19, 2016. International Seminar on the Role of Korea in Strengthening Global TB Cooperation
      7. * May 14, 2015. National Assembly Discussion on Seeking the Role of the STOP-TB Partnership KOREA to fight TB in North Korea
      8. * November 12, 2012. Policy Discussion for Effective Management of TB Patients
      9. * November 28, 2011. Policy Discussion on the Current Issues and the Improvement of Korea’s TB Management System
      10. * October 29, 2010. National Assembly Policy Discussion on New Understanding and Correct Response to MDR-TB
      • International Seminar on Global Tuberculosis Eradication Strategy to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals (2017)

      • Formation/Operation of the Tuberculosis Eradication TF to prepare measures to achieve domestic and international tuberculosis targets (2021)

      • Partner meeting on the role of the tuberculosis eradication partnership to promote tuberculosis eradication at home and abroad (2021)

      • National Assembly Debate to Find New Approaches to Support/Resume Cooperation in North Korean Tuberculosis Eradication (2022)

    Support for the Operation of the Korea TB Caucus

    • - In order to strengthen political commitment and responsibility for cooperation in the eradication of tuberculosis in the world, relevant international organizations recommend the establishment and operation of an organization led by the Members of the National Assembly to support tuberculosis eradication by country.
    • - In response, the STOP-TB Partnership KOREA requested that the Korean Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health(KPFGH) (Chairman of the Health and Welfare Committee) act as Korea's TB Caucus and decided to accept it (2019.11).
      • International Forum on "Political Action for Global Tuberculosis Cooperation" and Launch of "Korea TB Caucus"(2018)

      • Collaboration with the international community, including WHO, to fight tuberculosis (2022)

      • Booth Operation at the Asia-Pacific Parliamentarian Forum on Global Health (APPFGH)'s Conference on Tuberculosis Eradication (2022)

  • Development/Operation of Tuberculosis Control Projects in TB High-risk Countries

    • - Connecting relevant institutions, including local health authorities, and supporting consultation between the interested parties through the STOP-TB partnership network, it contributes to TB eradication in TB high-risk countries and develops partner organizations’ research projects on new technologies
    • - After monitoring and evaluating the performance of TB eradication projects in countries with a high risk of tuberculosis, lessons for future implementation of similar projects are drawn and shared with partner institutions
    • - Finding and supporting TB patients among North Korean defectors in Korean and supporting the development of various TB management projects for North Korea in cooperation with domestic and foreign partners