
Join the Partnership

Your participation is the driving force that makes a healthy world.

  • 결핵은 조용한 살인자입니다.
    이에 우리는 목소리를 높여야 합니다.
    결핵은 가난하고 취약한 사람들에게 더욱 큰 영향을 미칩니다.
    수만 명의 아이들이 결핵으로 목숨을 잃고 있고, 또한 수백만 명의 아이들이 결핵으로 고아가 되고 있습니다.
    이제 이러한 죽음을 끝내야 할 때입니다.
    함께 동행해 주세요!
  • Ban Ki-moon (former) Secretary-General of the United Nations
  • Tuberculosis is a silent killer. We must raise the volume. TB hit poor, vulnerable.. It takes the live of tens of thousands of children, Millions of children are orphans because a parent died of TB. We have the mean to end these needless deaths.
    Let us act now!
  • 결핵은 여전히 많은 사람들의 목숨을 앗아가는 거대한 살인자입니다.
    하지만 우리는 이러한 결핵퇴치를 위해 충분한 노력을 기울이지 않았습니다.
    이 질병은 부유한 세계에서는 더 이상 큰 문제가 되지 않았기에 우리는 새로운 결핵약의 개발을 등한시 하였습니다. 이제 우리는 이러한 결핵의 퇴치를 위하여 보다 나은 진단법 및 새로운 약제, 백신을 개발하기 위해 더 힘을 모아야 합니다.
  • Bill Gates, Chairman of the Bill & Melinda Foundation
  • TB is still a huge killer, but the world gets an F in terms of its effort on TB. Once it was not a problem in the rich world, then we stopped coming up with new drugs. So we have to get some of these new tools. Better diagnostics, better drugs, and maybe a new vaccine. drugs, and maybe a new vaccine..
    Let us act now!

How to become a partner

Please join us in making a world free from tuberculosis!

  • You can become a partner with us by sponsoring funds, donating in kind, and holding joint seminars for supporting various TB projects and campaigns at home and abroad.
  • Once you become a partner, your participation will be officially notified with the agreement ceremony and a letter of appointment.
  • It is the basic operating rule of the STOP-TB Partnership KOREA to carry out a joint project with a partner at least once a year.

Join the Partnership


We provide you the information on the personal information for the membership according to the Information and Communications Network Act including the items, purpose of collection and use, and the period of retention of the personal information as following, so please read them carefully and agree.

1. Scope of personal information

2. Use of collected personal information

3. Destruction of personal information

We provide you the information on the personal information for the membership according to the Information and Communications Network Act including the items, purpose of collection and use, and the period of retention of the personal information as following, so please read them carefully and agree.

1. Scope of personal information

2. Use of collected personal information

3. Destruction of personal information