To combat tuberculosis at home and abroad, we establish and operate an organic network to conduct TB eradication projects as social contribution activities that meet the management philosophy and values of various partners, including the government, the National Assembly, the press, the public TB-related organizations, international cooperation agencies, corporations, and civil societies.

The National Assembly
of The Republic of Korea
Supporting Foreigners
Cooperation Agencies
Organizations Supporting
Projects for North Korea
Health and
Medical Institutions
The Goverment of
the Republic of Korea
Cooperation Committee (representative meeting)
Representatives of the National Assembly, the government, the Press, academia and corporations, health/civil society groups, and other prominent figures, and the like.
- Consultative Group by sector (TB Project Executive Institutions, the Vulnerable Groups, etc.)
- · Tuberculosis-related department of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency
- · Tuberculosis manager at national/public tuberculosis hospitals
- · Local governments and public health centers
- · Domestic tuberculosis-related organizations
- · Tuberculosis facilities and civil society organizations
- · Patients and the vulnerable communities, etc.
- Steering Committee
- · Working managers of partner groups
- · Academia and related field experts
- · Other related organizations, etc.
Korean National Tuberculosis Association,STOP-TB Partnership KOREA(Secretariat and Executive organization)